Sobre su cuenco del buen gusto musical

Bienvenido a la creación paradisiaca del Dios Dorado de la Musica donde la critica musical es abundante, gratuita y laica.

El New Wave Lounge es un publicado de caracter mensual que busca promover la buena musica y crear un foro de discusion sobre esta donde sus opiniones son siempre bienvenidas pero no siempre tomadas en cuenta.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010



Incredible acoustic version of the original song that I recomended last month.

An amazing piece of art from this british indie rock group debut album "Limbo, Panto" in 2008.

The combination of the two vocals here are impecable.

This almost wipes the awful stench left in my mouth after viewing the EMA´s this past November 8. I will not bother mentioning this "event" any further, so if you wish to know the results or witness the first steps that Miley Cyrus is taking towards going full whore on her sweet 18, you can get them here.

Joe @ Radio Resistance

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